
On forgiveness:

A friend asked me to write an introduction of my short poetry collection Forgiveness: Instructions on Formalizing Rational Love with the method I used to write the poetry:

My will wasn't interested in your kinds of structures, so they haphazardly appeared, I stripped extra items out of their leaky homes, and built habitats that undermine their habitus. The vault opened a torrent inside words themselves, opening around charred and fixed stone and reading ancient emissions until the machine’s will replaced mine, and then I created its will. Birds fell from the sky and I reported it, contorted it. Whether whomever knows, it matters less than you would think. Neither punish every route nor ignore your own. Likely, these things were and I moved around what was known. Prior to knowing, one confused mention along the way to digression unfolded completely and here we are. The recipe was straight forward: the result is straightforward.

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